Sunday, January 27, 2013


B y Wlliam Cash Neve

Billy Joe was watching for her in the crowded bus station, a girl whose face he didn’t know but he knew her heart. His interest in her began almost two years ago when he answered an ad from a girl looking for a pen pal. He was intrigued by her introduction letter, the words reflected a beautiful person.

Billy was a cowboy from Texas, he owned a small ranch where he worked sun up to dawn to make a living. His desire was to find a wife and raise a small family. When he read the ad from this young lady it gave him a warm feeling, He thought maybe, just maybe this is the love I have been looking for so he answered the ad inspired by the thought. What really caught his attention was one sentence she highlighted; “I want to marry for love, and to be treated with respect and devotion and raise children to be fine adults with integrity.” So Billy started the correspondence and from that day until now they wrote to each other every day.

Her name was Julie and she lived on the other side of the world in Russia. Well I’d say over 5600 miles is the other side of the world. Anyway it wasn’t long before their friendship blossomed into love.

The day has finally come for them to be united, he was to meet her at the bus station at approximately seven, she had written in her letter don’t worry you will know me, I’ll have a white gardenia in my hair and I’ll be wearing a white leather jacket.

It was the holiday season and the bus station was over flowing with people so Billy stood atop a bench searching for the white gardenia, his heart skipped a beat when he spotted her. He called her name, Julie, and you could hear him call her above the deafening noise of the crowd. She waved to him and he was overwhelmed by her beauty. She was so beautiful her beauty was unequaled, by all in all time. Her outer beauty was as beautiful as her mind and her soul.

As Billy Joe loaded Julie’s luggage in his pickup truck you could see the glow of happiness surround him. He smiled at Julie and exclaimed, “This is the happiest day of my life, the only thing that could make me happier is the day you become my wife.” Then he took her in his arms and gave her that first kiss.

There was a guest house on his ranch that was newly remodeled for Julie to live in until they were married. Billy had filled it with bouquets of beautiful flowers to add to her happiness. He could hardly wait to get her home and see the surprised look on her face.

A love like theirs was rare opening doors to a happy future in a world of their own. That’s how it should be but not how it would be.

It would have been a perfect day if it hadn’t been for the weather, it was snowing heavy and the winds were having ferocity fits. Icy roads made the trip home hazardous.

While rounding a sharp mountain curve Billy’s truck went into a slide, Billy managed to push Julie out the door to safety but he went over a cliff with the truck.

The vehicle behind them witnessed the accident and called it in on their cell phone. It took about an hour before a rescue team arrived on the scene. Apparently Billy Joe was alive but his truck was high centered on a large boulder and could tumble the rest of the way down with a slight change of the weight. The rescue was perilous, a risk that had to be taken for Billy’s survival and his condition was unknown.

After several attempts the rescue team stabilized the truck and was able to remove Billy. He had lost a lot of blood, was unconscious and so the extent of his injuries was still unknown.

He was transported by helicopter to the nearest hospital and remained in a coma for seven days. In the meantime Julie was treated for minor wounds and given transport to her cottage on Billy’s ranch. Where she would remain until she could reunite with Billy Joe.

On the seventh day when Billy awoke it was discovered the he had completely lost his memory. His mind was a total blank and he couldn’t remember a single thing before the accident, he didn’t even know his name.

Julie stayed by his bedside several hours on each visit. She would coax him to remember to no avail and then she would step outside his room and cry.

Julie was heartbroken and her eyes revealed her true feelings. Always stained red from her inner emotions, the only solace she could find was Billy Joes love letters. She had saved them all, they were her treasures, two years of happiness that could never be taken away. She would read them and cry herself to sleep.

Weeks went by and there was no apparent change in Billy’s lost memory. The doctors had tried everything and had given up on his recovery. Julie, however, would never give up, she had faith that God would step in and give her back her Billy Joe, thus her life.

Julie asked for a bed in Billy’s room so she could work with him and pray over him day and night. Somehow she knew in her heart that Billy would come back to her. If the doctors couldn’t do it she knew Gods mercy would.

She thought to herself, why; why was God taking so long, He must have a reason. Billy was and is a good man and shouldn’t be punished like this.

Dear God please send us a miracle.

Un be known to Julie the Russian Federal Security Service (RFSB) was investigating her alleged involvement with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the United States security police. One morning after a long night of praying for Billy Joe she left the hospital to get a breath of fresh air, she was abducted by the RFSB and arrested as an American spy. She was returned to Russia where she would be put on trial and if found guilty be put to death.

Of course she wasn’t a spy, the only thing she was guilty of was being in love. Her trip to America to be with the man she loved had become a nightmare. One tragedy after another and now she is back in Russia staring through barred windows and doors.

Unconsciously Billy Joe must have sensed this and miraculously his memory started to return. He started to see flash backs that took him way back to when he first started writing to Julie.

The doctors were astounded they could hardly believe his sudden recovery. One doctor who was a Christian said, “you gotta believe in prayer.”

As Billy Joes memory started to return, he started asking questions, such as; Was Julie hurt, where is she now, what has happened to her? He was getting no answers because nobody knew.

Within a week Billy Joe fully recovered his memory. He also recalled the many hours Julie spent with him praying over him and coaxing him to remember. He had watched the tears and seen the bloodshot eyes and felt her deep irrevocable love. He knew he had to have her to be whole again.

Julie was being held in the Moscow prison for women. Each day she went through hours of interrogations. She knew she would be executed for a crime she wasn’t guilty of unless she could acquire the services of a very good attorney. She had heard about a foundation that helps prisoners, she had to find a way to contact them. Her mother was the only person with visitation rights so she had to rely on her for help. She also put her faith in God and prayed for his help.

Billy Joe swore he would find Julie if he had to turn the whole world inside out. So first of all he hired several private investigators to show him where to begin the search. He was told the best way to start was with Julies family. There was only one living member of her family and that was her mother. That’s where he’d start.

To locate Julies mother was the problem, he knew she lived in Russia but he didn’t know where. He’d have to start by going through the directories of every city and town.

Getting a visa was easy, choosing a location was tuff, so he booked a flight to Moscow.

Lets go back now to when Billy Joe was in the hospital in a state of unconsciousness and wasn't expected to recover. It turns out the physician in charge of Billys care was actually a mafia agent working undercover in the United States. His mission was to recover important data that if given to the FBI could bring down the Russian mofia. He was able to find the data and put an end to the perpetrator. The data was on a microchip it contained the names of members of the state intelligence group and secret police force, the KGB, who had the skills to excel in the world of crime and had become top leaders in the Mafia. The plan was to kidnap Julie and put her in a Russian prison, implant the chip in Billy Joes body and then to provoke him into going to Russia after Julie. Then they would kill him and remove the microchip

As Billy Joes memory returns he has a flashback the takes him back to the day of the disappearance of Julie that set off the unusual chain of events.

Later he was picked up by agents of the United States Counter Terrorist Unit and taken to the CTU to be briefed. The head of CTU, John Bates by authority of the Secretary of Defense enlisted Billy Joe as secret agent in return a deal was made to find Julie and return her to safety. They already knew she was somewhere in a Russian prison.

At the briefing John Bates explained the events of the present day crisis. He took Billy through the causes and the tragedies that started this entire horrific chain of events.

Billy listened but he couldn’t believe what he was hearing, he thought these are the actions of fools, playing roulette, hoping that the ball will fall in the right slot.

After listening to John for well over an hour he said; "I have heard the speeches and read the news, no wonder the world is in the worst economic crises ever, and now this. Of course I’ll help in any way that I can."

"John; this whole fiasco sounds like Satan’s solution to rise in power on a wave of world euphoria and save the world so he can sit in the driver seat."

To be continued


John Bates continues to brief Billy. “Billy we are racing against the clock in our attempts to thwart multiple terrorist plots. The Russian Mafia has killed hundreds of innocent people by placing nerve gases in highly populated areas. We have also been informed that they have nuclear warheads strategically planted to kill thousands if the government doesn’t meet their outrageous demands. Billy since you have decided to work with CTU your mission is to infiltrate these terrorist groups, and get information using any means necessary.”

After the briefing Billy was brought up to date on Julie’s status, CTU had located her in Moscow and was negotiating her release. If all went well she would be returned to the USA and given protection.

Homeland Security has agencies set up in metropolitan areas all over the United States every one of them plays a vital and important role in making the world a safe place. Additionally, all the agents are directly or indirectly involved in the biggest projects in the worlds history. Dedicated people who are working behind the scenes on a daily basis to rid the world of terrorism and horrific crimes.
The responsibilities of CTU include the investigation and prevention of federal offenses involving the unlawful use, manufacture, and possession of firearms and explosives ; acts of arson and bombings; and illegal trafficking of drugs and all terroristic threats.
John Bates under the direction of Home Land Security was the original creator of the Counter Terrorist Unit (CTU). It was his responsibility to hire and train the best task force in the world. Men like Billy Joel with talents extraordinary who would never quit any endeavor to get answers and find the solutions to resolve terrorist activities.
At the present time The Russian Mafia, proven beyond a doubt, was responsible for terrorist acts against China, Russia and America. Their main objective was to start a world war. Their intentions were to rule the world.
On October 6th 2001The Embassy of the United States located in the city center of Moscow was targeted by the terrorist to be destroyed by a missile with an atomic warhead. The missile was right on target wiping the Embassy off the map and killing 2000 people in a ten block perimeter.

The terrorists issued warnings to both presidents informing them that this attack was just a minute warning and unless their demands were met their next attack would kill a hundred thousand or more.
It was 3 o’clock in the morning when the Mafia terrorists broke into Billy’s room. He was able to kill his attackers but more troops were closing in on him from every direction and the only way out was a three story dive crashing through the window into the raging river below the hotel.

Jim Massimo, the head man of the terrorist attack, orders his men to get Billy from the river. “Kill him if you have to, we just need his body.”

Everything that happened in Billy’s room was recorded on a hidden recorder and relayed to CPU. John Bates had troops in the vicinity almost immediately and was able to rescue Billy.

The downfall of communism left an economic, moral and social vacuum which the mafia has been only too happy to fill.. Hundreds of ex-KGB men and war veterans offered their skills to the Russian mafia, all this is recorder on the microchip in Billy's body. The microchip planted in Billy’s body, if found by the CTU has enough information to bring the mafia down.

Official estimates of the size and influence of the Russian mafia are frightening, the unofficial estimates are terrifying. The Mafia leader Sergei Mikhas gave Jim Massimo an ultimatum, the kiss of death. Either he get the microchip back or he would die a slow painful a death. Jim knew just about everything that went on in CTU headquarters because he had moles as CTU agents. So a bomb was planted in the debriefing room where Billy was being examined by the CTU doctors.

John Bates knew there had to be mafia spies in the CTU so he was having all profiles examined to the letter. Five agents suspected were being interrogated. The mole who planted the bomb had the triggering device, He or she had to be found or Billy would be blown to pieces and CTU would be rendered inoperable..

As luck would have it the mole with the triggering device was found in the nic of time. The micochip was removed from Billy Joes hip and the CTU was in the process of bringing the Russian Mafia down. Billy Joe was congradulated in a job well done.

In retrospect a deal was made by the United States Government with the Russian president to release Julie. Julie was on her way back to America aboard Air Force One the president’s private jet. John Bates had personally briefed her and told her about Billy’s joining CTU and that Billy was on a secret mission. He assured her that the two of them would be united as soon as the mission was complete. Julie asked John if she could get a message to Billy and he set up a lap top so she could send it email. Dearest Billy, There is a simple, age-old principle that keeps me happy healthy and free: "Help others to help yourself." I believe that people who give time, and support to others are more likely to be happy and satisfied with their lives—the proof can be found in the love letters that you wrote to me. The words you wrote with the emotions found in your heart help me to weathering the inevitable storms of life? Your words are the magic potion from all panaceas. Your words give me the faith I need to endure until we are together. The distance between two hearts is not an obstacle, but rather a beautiful reminder of just how strong true love can be. Wonderful things happen when two, such as you and I are in love. I’ll be waiting darling, please hurry back to me. All my Love, Julie.

Air Force One has quarters to give the passengers the ultimate comfort and it had been awhile since Julie had slept in a comfortable bed. When she laid her head down she went fast to sleep and slept for the rest of the flight. Her dreams were of love, love doesn't make the world go round, love is what makes the ride worthwhile.
Billy was browsing the internet for information vital for his success, when he received Julie’s message. At that moment he was the happiest man in the world. He read her words over and over and then printed her message and slipped in a pocket next to his heart. It had been a long stressful day with a happy ending, tonight he would sleep well.

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